Thursday, December 4, 2008

10 Main Issues



1.     Abortion –     

            Senator Obama supports a woman’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion or not. Although he may not want all women to get abortions when presented with the chance, he has said that he believes that they can be trusted with the decision. He has also suggested more sex-education so that the choice does not have to be made as often.

2.     Education –

            Obama is a strong supported of funding charter schools “as a way to foster competition in the public school system.” He agrees with both the theory of creation as well as evolution, and has been quoted that he does not “think science generally is incompatible with Christian faith.”

3.     Death Penalty –

            Senator Obama believes that the death penalty does not really affect the amount and rate of crime in the country. He wrote a bill that forced the videotaping of interrogations and confessions and he disagreed on the June 25, 2008 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that disallowed the execution of child rapists.

4.     Environment –

            Obama opposes the proposed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, but has said that he would consider allowing offshore drilling as a temporary fix to the high gas prices that are facing America. He has made a plan to use $150 billion within 10 years to make a green energy sector that would not only give the country clean, alternative energy, but also create around 5 million new jobs.

5.     Health Care –

            Senator Obama plans to create universal health care by 2012.  He has called the belief in this plan the core of the Democratic Party. He has proposed a national plan that is similar to the one that has been available to federal employees, in whish both individuals and businesses would be able to buy healthcare. It would automatically cover children, but not adults.

6.     Immigration –

            Obama supports adding new technology and structure to the border patrol systems to crack down on immigration and the employers that hire illegal workers. He plans on making a new method to show employee eligibility.

7.     Iraq War –

            Senator Obama has been quoted to call the war in Iraq a “dumb” and “rash” war. In 2004, he protested the war. He plans on removing combat brigades slowly at equal intervals to reach the goal of leaving Iraq within 16 months of his inauguration.

8.     Poverty –

            Obama has already set into action the state earned income tax credit as the senator of Illinois, which created tax cuts for lower class families. He has also planned to take the nation’s most poverty-stricken and academically struggling areas and transform them using “a full network of services” into more constructive neighborhoods.

9.     Stem Cell Research –

            Barack Obama encourages stem cell research. He voted for the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005, which would have permit federal funding for research on human embryos that been made for fertility treatments.




1.     Abortion –

            Senator McCain strongly opposes abortion and only supports it in the cases of rape, incest or possible risk to the mother. He opposes the outcome of Rode v. Wade and supports its cancellation. He has a record of voting against the legalization of abortion and believes in abstinence-based principles.

2.     Education –

            McCain is a supporter of vouchers that allow students to go to public or private schools.  He thinks that lower- and middle-class students should be able to have the same options as the upper-class families by being able to go to the best schools for them. He has referred to Darwin’s theory as “valid” but has said that kids should be exposed to all theories.

3.     Death Penalty –

            Senator McCain agrees with the use of the death penalty to enforce federal crimes. He voted to end the execution of minors and said that he would consider expanding capital punishment for other crimes.

4.     Environment –

            McCain will only support drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge if it can be done in a way that does not threaten the environment. He supports lifting the ban on offshore drilling, although, most likely based on the rise in gas prices. He plans on using nuclear and solar energy along with other alternatives to minimize the amount of greenhouse gas emissions.

5.     Health Care –

            Senator McCain agrees with the use of tax credits to support families to purchase health insurance. He has supported making generic drugs easily attainable to the population as well as lowering the prices of prescriptions.

6.     Immigration –

            McCain believes that we need securer borders, but that we also need to attend to our country’s need for immigrant labor. He has supported the ideas of doubling border patrol, offering temporary visas for workers, and a system that would keep the skilled workers in our country.

7.     Iraq War –

            Senator McCain supports President Bush’s decisions regarding Iraq. However, he didn’t agree with all aspects of the way that it was being handled. He plans on staying because he thinks that pulling out now would leave Iraq unstable. He believes that leaving now would be victory for Al Qaeda.

8.     Poverty –

            McCain has said that the elimination of poverty would be given top priority if he is elected as president. He has said that in his opinion, “a strong and vibrant America, one in which people can move up into the middles class, put their kids through college, work hard and one day retire in dignity, is critical to not only our economic future but to the very security of our nation.”

9.     Stem Cell Research –

            Senator McCain objects stem cell research. He supported a few bills in 2006 that placed a ban on making embryos solely for research. Then, in 2007, he agreed to allow research that allowed the use of discarded human embryos from fertility treatments.

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